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In *This Gets A Blank Stare* News: Fake Lawyer Tahir Malik Tried Over 60 Cases…

This is just too damn hilarious!  I swear this is some sh*t you would only see on TV somewhere…I swear this guy gets con-artist of the year LMFAO!  How in baby jesus name you are in courts defending cases with no damn law degree.  Don’t judges ask you for credentials and crap like that before you try a case (are any of my readers lawyers I NEED to know *shrugs shoulders*).  Can you imagine have a huge case and come to find out your lawyer is a criminal just like yo azz…I would lose my mind! 

“Tahir Malik, a 47-year-old man from Skokie, Illinois, “walked around the courtroom like he was a hotshot, strutting around,” said one of his clients.

He tried more than 60 cases, charging between $500 and $4,500 to his clients. He worked on traffic court cases, mortgage foreclosures, and some low-level criminal cases.

One problem: Malik never spent a day in law school. Instead, it appears that he learned his lawyering skills from his own criminal background.

“From his own arrest history, he was familiar enough with the court system to make certain motions and file certain documents in the court,” said Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “There is no question that dozens of people from all over Cook County were misled by this guy.”

Apparently, he was finally busted on December 17, when personnel at the Cook County Courthouse found some of his behavior suspicious and questioned his credentials. They found that he had none.

Malik faces two counts of false impersonation of a lawyer, as WGN reports. He will appear in court on January 28 — no word yet on whether he will be representing himself.”  source

I’M IN TEARS!!! At least he charged reasonable fees LMFAO! *yeah I’m going to hell for that one*…The question that is killing me is how many of these cases did he win… I know the legal system is kicking their self for this one!  I know they are probably mad as Mel Gibson if he won any of those cases, as a lawyer can you imagine losing to a con-artist LMFAO. This is just too hilarious see what happens when you watch a damn “Law & Order” marathon! *tsk tsk*

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