
Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas’

Who Needs Rehab When Your A Functioning Addict – Hey Charlie!!!!

January 11, 2011 1 comment

CTFU I swear Charlie Sheen reminds me of the movie “Old School“… how in baby jesus name can you party like a rock star, bang out some porn stars and return to work the next morning like nothing happened…LMFAO…I would have at least thrown up once…or called out because I can’t hold my liquor!  Charlie Charlie Charlie….I knew he was a trouble maker from when I saw him in the police station in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” LMFAO!!! 

Of course good old Sheen had a few people worry since he went M.I.A (missing in action) in Vegas and was last seen drinking vodka like it was water and having happy fun times with 3 porn stars.  However, Sheen appeared out of no where and checked out of his hotel around 9am and took a private jet back to L.A (hey at least he wasn’t late…right?….right?)

“TMZ has learned Charlie Sheen is back on the set of “Two and a Half Men” and is showing absolutely no sign he went on a major bender this weekend.

One source connected with the show tells TMZ, “He has the constitution of an ox,” adding, “He’s figured out a way of shutting down [the substance abuse] long enough so he can function normally when he has to. He’s a complete functioning addict.”

As TMZ first reported, Charlie was on a bender in Las Vegas over the weekend, partying with 3 porn stars.  As one source involved in the situation tells TMZ, Charlie doesn’t believe he has a problem:  “He’s having a good time.  On the surface it’s the opposite of hitting rock bottom.”  source

I”m sorry but I don’t see Charlie going to rehab any time soon…unless he ends up f*cking up his liver and is on his death-bed and the only way he can live is if he stops drinking.  As of right now the only thing going through Charlie’s mind is…hey if I can drink and bang out some porn stars and still make it to work on time and nail my roles who gives a good got damn…

I’ve seen many executives do WORST than Charlie drinking and smutting wise and still come in on Monday like not a good got damn thing happened!